Switch Hacking |
Version | v0.1 | |
Updated | |||
Author | kleo | License | MIT |
I purchased my Nintendo Switch at 2018-10-06
After a lot research I decided to use custom firmware at 2018-10-23
Took apart a SATA power connector and used it as a jig to boot to RCM1
Checking if my Switch is vulnerable
Backup stock firmware and etc
Upgrading firmware using ChoiDujourNX2
Split on one 64GB micro SD is Android and Arch Linux
switchroot LineageOS3 install 2019-08-09
Installing OpenGApps4
Trying out switchroot Ubuntu L4T5
Thank you to the awesome people contributing to the switch hacking scene!
fusee-launcher - A reference implementation launcher for the Fusée Gelée Tegra X1 bootROM exploit
Atmosphere - Nintendo Switch custom firmware
hekate - Nintendo Switch bootloader
switchroot.org - Nintendo Switch Ubuntu, LineageOS and many more
Homebrew Guide - The Ultimate Noob Guide for Hacking your Nintendo Switch
AtlasNX Kosmos - All-in-One CFW Package for the Nintendo Switch